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Tuesday 24 November 2020

Class 12 English Book Vista

                  Chapter- On the face of It


 Question 1.

What is the bond that unites the two, Mr Lamb and Derry? How does Mr Lamb inspire the boy?


Mr Lamb and Derry are suffering from the same sort of physical impairment. Mr Lamb does not have one leg while Derry’s face is burnt from one side. They both are feeling lonely. No one ever comes to see Mr Lamb and people have spread many stories about him. People look at awe at Derry’s face and generally avoid him. Thus they both are suffering from common problems. This bond unites Mr Lamb and Derry.



Question 2.

What peculiar things does Derry notice about the old man, Lamb?


Mr Lamb is retired from the army. He leaves his doors always open. Everybody is welcomed in his garden. There are no curtains on his windows. These are quite peculiar things for Derry.




Question 3.

What physical impairment is Mr Lamb suffering from?


Mr Lamb lost one of his legs in a war. There is a tin leg in its place. The children would mockingly call him ‘Lamey Lamb’. Also, no one ever comes to see him. People have spread many stories about him.

 Question 4.

Why had Derry come to the garden?


Derry had thought it was an empty place and no one lived there. He wanted to see what kind of place it was. He had no mind to steal any apple.

 Question 5.

In what sense is the friendship between Mr Lamb and Derry fruitful?


The friendship between Mr Lamb and Derry proved quite fruitful for both of them. Mr Lamb instils self confidence in the young boy. While the young boy’s company helps Mr Lamb to ward off his loneliness.

 Question 6.

Why does Derry say people are afraid of him?


Derry says people look at his face and call it a terrible thing. They call it the ugliest thing they ever saw. Therefore according to Derry, people are afraid of him.

 Question 7.

How does Mr Lamb try to remove the baseless fears of Derry?


Mr Lamb tells Derry that he, like others, has two eyes, two ears, two legs, two arms, brain and a tongue. He can do or achieve whatever he likes. In this way Mr Lamb tries to remove baseless fears of Derry.

 Question 8.

What did Derry’s mother think of Mr Lamb?


Derry’s mother did not have any good opinion about Mr Lamb. She considered him to be a worthless man. She thought that Mr Lamb’s talk was all nonsense. She did not want Derry to go there.


Question 9.

How does Mr Lamb react when Derry enters his garden?


Mr Lamb welcomes Derry in his garden. He only asks him to mind crab apples lest he should trip. When Derry wants to run away from there Mr Lamb says that he need not go. Everyone is welcomed to come in his garden.


Question 10.

What kind of garden does Mr Lamb have? Why does he like it?


Mr Lamb has a garden-outside his house. It has flowers, grass, trees arid bees. He likes every inch of his garden. He has positive attitude of mind. For him even weeds in his garden are living things. He likes humming of bees. He passes his time by making jam from the crab apples. Thus, he remains busy due to his garden. Therefore, he likes it very much.

Class 7 Chapter - The Man who made an entire mountain side green


The Man who made an entire mountain side green

1.       How does the author describe the lands where he went on hike ?

Ans: The hills through which the author was on a hike was totally unknown to the tourists   . It was an old region where the Alps extend into provence . It consisted of barren lands and monotonous lands   , 12000 meters above sea level. Nothing grew there except Lavender.

2.       How did he “chance ” to meet the shepherd?

Ans: The author was on a hike through the Alps. After walking for thre days he found himself in desolation. The author camped next to a village. The author was sort if water. . The author moved the camp. After five hours of walking the author could not find any water. Every where their  was the same dryness and stiff woody plant. Suddenly, the author  observe an image of a person at a distance.

3.       The author gives detailed picture of the shepherd and his place of living. What does he say?

Ans:   The author found the shepherd surrounded by thirty lambs resting under the hot

sun. The looked confident but he spoke little. The roof of his house was solid and water tight. Things in his house were in order. The dishes were washed. The floor was swept. He was freshly shaven. His clothes were mended to hide the patches. The buttons were solidly sewn. The shepherd took out a bag of acorn and started separating the bad from the good ones. He consistently did the work and he went to bed only after finding out hundred perfect acorns .

4.       What did the shepherd do with the acorns in house?

Ans: The shepherd took out a bag of acorn. He poured a pile of acorns onto a table .He started separating the bad acorns from the good ones. He consistently did the work and he went to bed only after finding out hundred perfect acorns.

5.       What did he do with the acorn in the next morning ?

Ans: Next morning , he soaked the acorns in a bucket of water. He went out with his flock to the pasture. At a distance he started pounding the ground with an iron rod .After digging a hole in the ground he planted the seeds of acorn carefully.

6.       “How counted on losing another ten thousand to everything else that is unpredictable”. What did he mean by this?

Ans: The shepherd realised that after planting Hundred Thousand acorns seeds only twenty thousand seeds had grown up into Oak Trees.”He counted” expected that still ten thousand Oak trees may grow in the blank barren areas.

7.       In 1945 when the author visited the place ,he mentions ,””I no longer recognized the landmarks I knew from my earlier visits. What were the changes that had taken place there?

Ans: The author was not able to recognize to landmarks of that area because the entire area had transformed. New landmarks were added. The desolate place now had well kept farms. People started a happy and comfortable life. The old spring began to flow. Villages were renovated. The river Brook was channeled. The pools of fountains were bordered by carpets of fresh mint.

8.       Why didi the shepherd Elzeard Bouffier talk or speak less?

Ans:  The shepherd spoke less because anyone who lived in a lonely isolated place preferred to speak or talk less.

9.       Why didi the shepherd separate the acorns?

Ans:  The shepherd separated the acorns to distinguish between bad and good seeds. The bad seeds were eliminated . The good seeds were considered for plantation

10.   Why did the shepherd plant trees?

Ans:  The shepherd selflessly started plating trees because he wanted to transform and develop the area by proper afforestation .

Thursday 19 November 2020

CLASS 7 Topic- Poem –THE KITE by Harry Behn


               Topic- Poem –THE KITE

    1)      What is a said to be soaring like a ship?

Ans:The kite and its tail is said to be soaring like a ship

    2)      What “sail” does the kite have?

Ans: The kite and its tail dives and dips like a ship over tides . It climbs to the crest  due to a gust of wind but again falls and takes rest.

    3)      Pick out the words which denotes “laziness” in the poem. Who is lazy?

Ans: Raggered in the poem means “Laziness”. The kite is lazy till its wings are filed with gust of winds.

   4)      How is the sky connected to the kite?

Ans: The sky is connected to the kite because the movement of soaring high and resting low is determined by the weather condition prevailing in the sky.

   5)      Pick out some rhyming words from the poem.

Ans: Following are the rhyming words found in the poem “The kite”.Blue-New,Dip-Ship, Tail-sail, Crest-Rest, Slack-Back, Blows-Goes,See-Tree.

   6)      When is the kite bright in the sky?

Ans: The kite is bright in the sky when then kite is new.

   7)      How does the kite fly in the sky?

Ans : According to the poet the kite soars up with a dive and a dip along with the gust of wind.

   8)      Why does the kite take a rest?

Ans: The kite takes a rest because after climbing to the crest along with the gust of wind it pulls down to rest when the  force of wind decreases.

   9)      What helps the kite to fly?

Ans: The strong gust of wind and the smooth breeze helps the kite to fly high by filling its wings.

   10)   When can we not see the kite?


When cannot we see the Kite?

Ans:  We cannot see the kite when it flaps on a string in the top of a tree.

Class 12 English Vistas Chapter- The Enemy Questions and Answers

                                                                      The Enemy 

Question 1.

How did Hana help Dr Sadao?


Hana helped her husband in the operation. She her-self washed the man. While Sadao performed the operation, Hana helped him in giving the anaesthetic. She acted as a nurse while her husband was performing the operation.


Question 2.

Why did the servants leave Dr Sadao’s house?


Dr Sadao had given shelter to an enemy soldier. According to the servants, it was an act of treason. They looked upon the Americans as their enemies since Japan and America were at war. When they found that instead of handing over the enemy soldier to the police, Dr Sadao had decided to treat him, they decided to leave his house.


Question 3.

Why was Dr Sadao not sent to the battlefield?


Dr Sadao was a famous surgeon and scientist of Japan. He was perfecting a discovery to make the wounds completely clean. Besides, he was treating the old General. The General might need an opertation any time. Therefore, Dr Sadao was not sent to the battlefield.


Question 4.

How did Dr Sadao get rid of the enemy soldier?


Dr Sadao had saved the man with great efforts. He didn’t want him to hand over to the police and get him killed. Therefore he decided to help the man get away in his boat’ He loaded his boat with sufficient provisions. He asked the man to row the boat to a nearby island.


Question 5.

How did Dr Sadao take bullet out of the body of the American soldier?


Dr Sadao had to perfom an opertation to take bullet out of the body of the American soldier. The soldier was given anaesthetic. Dr Sadao felt the tip of his instrument with some hard object. It was a bullet. Then Dr Sadao probed with his fingers and took out the bullet with cleanest possible manner.

 Question6 .

Who was Dr Sadao? Where was his house?


Dr Sadao was a famous Japanese surgeon and scientist. He was working on  a discovery to make wounds completely clean. His house was set upon rocks well above a narrow beach that was outlined with bent pines.

Question 7.

What did Dr Sadao and his wife do with the man?


After Dr Sadao’s treatment the man was now out of danger. But still he was very weak. If they handed him over to the police, he was sure to be killed. Therefore, they decided to keep the man with them in their house.


Question 8.

What did Dr Sadao do to get rid of the man?


Dr Sadao had saved the man with great efforts. He didn’t want him to hand over to the police and get him killed. Therefore he decided to help the man get away in his boat and he loaded his boat with sufficient provisions. He asked the man to row the boat to a nearby island.

 Question 9.

Explain the reaction of the servants in Dr Sadao’s house when he decided to give shelter to an enemy in the house.

Answer: The servants in Dr Sadao’s house did not like the idea of giving shelter to an enemy soldier. Yumi, the nurse of the doctor’s child bluntly refused to wash the white man. She said that she had never and would never wash a white man. The old gardener was a superstitious man. He said that there was no business in saving the man.

 He told Hana bluntly that the white man ought not to be saved. First he had been shot. Then the sea had caught him. But when they found that Dr Sadao was not going to hand over the man to the authorities they thought that he had turned traitor. They decided to leave his house.

 Question 10.

Write in brief the character-sketch of General Takima.


General Takima was an old Japanese General. He was a very cruel person. He used to beat his wife mercilessly. He also tortured the prisoners of war very ruthlessly. He even had private assassins to have anyone killed. He offered Dr Sadao to send two of them to kill the American soldier. He said that they were quite capable and could also remove the dead body of the soldier.

 But later he did not do that. In fact there was a selfish motive behind it. He needed Dr Sadao’s services as a doctor. He didn’t want any problem should come to him. Therefore, he left the entire matter on Dr Sadao to solve. He pretended to be a patriot, but in fact he was a very selfish person. Perhaps, he wanted Dr Sadao to kill the man himself. The General was indeed a very self-absorbed person.

 Question 11.

Dr Sadao faced a dilemma(confusion). Should he use his surgical skills to save the life of a wounded American  or should he hand him over to the Japanese police? How did he resolve the clash of values?


As a doctor, Sadao is taught that he should never let a person die if he could help. One evening he finds a badly injured enemy soldier on the sea beach near his house. The man could die if not given proper medical aid. Now, Dr Sadao uses his surgical skills and perform him an opertation on the man though he is an enemy soldier. He tends him well and took great care of him. In this way, Dr Sadao maintains his professional loyalty and he is able to save the life of the POW with his surgical skills.

 But Dr Sadao is a patriotic person also. Therefore he informs everything to the old General. The Gen-eral ensures him to send his private assassins to kill the man. However Dr Sadao has saved that man with great effort. Naturally he does not want any harm should come to that man. Therefore he helps escape the man in a boat in the end of the story.

 Question 12.

How did Dr Sadao help then American  to escape? What humanitarian values do you find in his act?


Dr Sadao saved the life of American  with great effort. Naturally he did not want that any harm should come to him and thus all his efforts be wasted. Therefore he decided to arrange for the escape of that man. Dr Sadao decided to leave his boat on the seashore. He also decided to load the boat with sufficient provisions. The American was dressed in Japanese clothes which Sadao had given him, and at the last moment Sadao wrapped a black cloth about his blond head.He was told to row the boat to a nearby island, where nobody lived because it remained submerged in the sea most of the year. The doctor displays finer human values in this story. Though his country is in a state of war with America, he does not forget his duty and obligations . as a doctor. He saves the life of the enemy even-at the sake of his life and reputation.


Question 13.

Dr Sadao was compelled by his duty as a doctor to help the enemy soldier. What made Hana, his wife, sympathetic to him in the face of open defiance from the domestic staff?


Dr Sadao has been trained not to let a person die if he could help. The enemy soldier is badly wounded. He is sure to die if he is not given proper medical care. On the other hand, Dr Sadao feels that it is his national duty to hand the enemy over to the authorities. Dr Sadao’s wife, Hana, understands her husband well. She has spent great deal of time with him.The house staff of Dr Sadao do not like the idea of harbouring the enemy soldier. They bluntly refuse to help their master in tending the enemy soldier. At this juncture, Hana herself washes the enemy soldier and also helps Dr Sadao in giving anaesthetic to the soldier. She feeds the soldier with her own hands. However, she likes her husband wants to get rid of the soldier but she doesn’t know how.


Question 14.

How would you explain the reluctance of the soldier to leave the shelter of doctor’s home even when he knew he couldn’t stay there wit out risk to the doctor and himself?


The soldier belonged to the American navy. He was prisoner of the war and somehow he had escaped from the prison. He had a gunshot in his back. It was Dr Sadao who operated on him and saved his life with great effort. He gave the American soldier shelter in his house. It was a big crime and Dr Sadao could be arrested for it. But for Dr Sadao his profession was the first. He was taught that he should not let the person die if he could help it. Dr Sadao did his job with complete honesty.He saved the prisoner’s life. The American kept on living there. He knew that he would be killed if he left Dr Sadao’s house. He had full confidence in Dr Sadao. He knew that after saving his life Dr Sadao would not let him die. He left it to the doctor to escape from the problem anyway he liked. And indeed, Dr Sadao found a way to save the life of the prisoner.

Question 15  : Describe the difficulties faced by Dr Sadao when he decided to help the enemy soldier. 

Answer : A wounded American soldier who was bleeding was washed away to Dr Sadao’s doorstep. Japan was at war with America and giving shelter to a US soldier was an anti-national activity for which Dr Sadao could be arrested. He could be severely punished on charges of harbouring an enemy. Dr Sadao also had to face open defiance from his servants who refused to cooperate with him and his wife. They thought that the white man ought to die. Dr Sadao was in a fix. He could not hand over a dying man, even if he was an enemy, to the police and protecting him could lead to Dr Sadao’s arrest. But the ethics of his profession had taught him to save a dying man irrrespective of all things. So putting aside his dilemma he did what he ought to do as a doctor. He not only operated upon and saved the enemy soldier but also arranged for his escape.

Question 16 : Why did Sadao Hoki go to America? Narrate his experiences there.

Answer : Sadao Hoki went to American to study surgery and medicine as it was the wish of his father. His experience of living in America was not very good but he was grateful to have some good professors who taught him well. Also, he was grateful to the professor at whose home he had met Hana and immediately liked her. But he did not like the smell of their food, their small room and the wife of the professor, who was very talkative, although she tried hard to be kind.

Initially, he had faced great difficulty in finding a place to live in America because he was a Japanese. He perceived that Americans were full of prejudice and for him it was a bitter experience to live with them.

Question 17 : Why did Sadao help the American soldier to escape? How did he do it?

Answer : Sadao’s expertise in his profession and compassion as a human being were his most dominant personality traits. As a dutiful doctor, he could not have let the prisoner die of his injuries and so he saved his life. At the same time, he acted like a responsible citizen and informed the General of the presence of the enemy in his house. However, when the General’s men did not come to kill the American, Sadao decided to save his life.

Dr Sadao didn’t want to throw him into the jaws of death again. He asked the young soldier to take his private boat at night. He should row in the cover of darkness to a little deserted island nearby. The young American could live there until he saw a Korean fishing boat pass by. Food, bottled water and two quilts were put inside the boat. If the food ran out, he could signal two flashes.

He was not to signal in darkness because he could be seen. Thus, the young American came down into the darkness of the garden and escaped.




Class -7 Chapter - EKALAVYA


    1)      Why was Arjuna Drona’s  favourite pupil?

Ans: Arjuna was Drona’s best pupil because he was the best Archer.

    2)      What happened when Drona took the Pandavas to the forest?

Ans: When Dona took the Pandavas into the forest they could observe the presence of someone. Arrows were stuck fast on the trees. Drona was convinced that someone was practising  archery.

    3)      Why was Drona surprised by what had happened? What did he do next?

Ans: Drona was surprised at the forest to see that seven arrows had approached targeting the barking sound of the dog.

Drona and his pupils set off in search of the person who could have shot the arrows. 

   4)      Why had Drona refused to accept Ekalavya as a pupil? How did the boy still succeed in making Drona his teacher?

Ans:Drona  refused to accept Ekalavya as a student because he was not a Kshatriya.Ekalavya succeeded in making Dronacharya his teacher by practicing single-mindedly with great determination in front of his clay image made by himself.

    5)      “And who is your teacher”? How did Drona react on hearing Ekalavya’s answer to his question?

Ans: Dronacharya felt envy and fear in his heart  after he heard Ekalavyas reply.Cleverly Drona showed no sign on his face.

    6)      Why did Ekalavya readily agree to Drona’s suggestion of a contest with his pupils?

Ans: Ekalvya readily agreed to Dron’s suggestion to have a contest with his pupils because Ekalavya told that he had accepted him as his pupil and wanted to visit him personally.

   7)      How did Drona ensure that Arjuna remained the best archer in the world?

Ans: Drona ensured that Arjuna remains the best archer by forcing Ekalvya to sacrifice his right  thumb finger by maiming him into a trap.

   8)      Who was Dronacharya?

Ans: Dronacharya was an expert in warfare. He was appointed as teacher to teach train all the Pandavas  to become excellent in warfare.

   9)      Who was Ekalavya ?

Ans: Ekalavya was the son of Hiranyadhanu . He was not a Kshatriya. Ekalavya was determined to learn archery on his own. He idolized Dronacharya as his teacher. He proved to be best in archery. He sacrificed his right thumb finger as a token of gratitude for his teacher.

   10)   How didi Ekalavya learn archery?

Ans: Ekalvya was determined to learn archery from Dronacharya. Ekalavya was not a Kshatriya. Droancharya refused to teach him archery. Ekalvya made a clay image of Dronacharya and idolized his image as a teacher. Single-mindedly with great determination Ekalavya learnt archery on his own.

  11)   How did Dronacharya convince Ekalvya to sacrifice his thumb finger?

Ans: Dronacharya convinced Ekalavya to sacrifice his right thumb finger by telling a lie that it is customary for a pupil to pay his teacher anything he wants in return.

   12)   Why did Ekalvya sacrifice his right thumb finger?

Ans: Ekalvya sacrificed his right thumb finger because Dronacharya had demanded to cut off his finger and offer it as a customary gift in return.

Prepositions practice SET-3

Fill with correct prepositions from the brackets- 1. We regret that we cannot comply ________ your request. (With/ by) 2. The best candi...

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