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Wednesday 13 September 2017

INDIGO Extra questions

Q. 1. How did Shukla succeed in persuading Gandhiji to visit Champaran ?
What made Gandhi to surrender to the wish of Rajkumar Shukla and board a train to Patna in Bihar ?                                                                                                 (Imp.)
Ans. Rajkumar Shukla wanted Gandhiji to visit Champaran to take up the cause of sharecroppers there. Gandhiji told Shukla that he had an appointment in Kanpur. He was also committed to go to other parts of India. Shukla followed Gandhiji to the ashram. He went to Calcutta when Gandhiji arrived there. Gandhiji was impressed by his tenacity and story. They boarded the train for Patna.
Q. 2. Why did Gandhi chide (scold)the lawyers of Muzaffarpur ?                
Ans. Muzaffarpur lawyers called on Gandhi to brief him. They had frequently represented peasants in courts. Gandhi chided them for collecting big fees from the poor sharecrop­pers. When peasants were so poor and crushed, it was inhuman to charge heavy fees from them.

Q. 3. Gandhi was involved in a 'conflict of duties'. What did he decide in the end and why? 
Ans. Gandhi was involved in a 'conflict of duties'. On the one hand, he didn't want to set a bad example. He didn't want to be a law-breaker. On the other hand, he couldn't give up the cause of the poor peasants of Champaran. Therefore, he heard the 'voice of conscience' in the end. He decided to disobey the order.

Q. 4. How could Gandhi persuade the lawyers to follow him into jail ?
Ans. Many prominent lawyers of Bihar came to confer with Gandhi. Gandhi asked what they would do if he was sentenced to prison. A senior lawyer told frankly that they would go home. Gandhi asked them about the injustice done to the sharecroppers. The lawyers felt ashamed. They finally declared that they were ready to'-follow' him into jail.

Q. 5. The settlement of 25% refund to the farmers appeared rather small. Why did Gandhi agree to it and how did events justify his position ?              
Ans. According to the settlement, the planters were to refund 25% of the compensation money to the peasants. The achievement appeared to be rather small but events justified his position. But for Gandhi the amount of refund was less important. More important was the fact that the landlords were forced to surrender part of their right. So he agreed to the settle­ment.
Q. 6. 'The Champaran episode was a turning point in Gandhi's life’? How do you justify it ?
Ans. The Champaran episode was really a turning point in Gandhi's life. It began not as an act of defiance. It was an effort to remove the distress of poor peasants. The success of Champaran justified Gandhi's ways and means. It gave a message. The Britishers were dreaded and unquestioned but now they could be challenged by the Indians. The success of Champaran was the success of peaceful Civil Disobedience in modern India.

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