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Wednesday 18 April 2018

Short questions on THE ANT AND THE CRICKET

Solved Short Questions and Answers:
  1. What was the young cricket accustomed to do?
In the fable “The Ant and The Cricket” in poetic form portrayed the insect cricket as the one who was very much accustomed to singing, dancing and merry-making in the good weather of cheerful summer season.
  1. Why did the cricket complain?
The cricket had spent the entire summer season by singing, dancing and                                  merry-making. Because of this indulgence in enjoyment left the cricket     bereft of the empty cupboard which is of utter need in coming winter. That is why the cricket complained.
  1. What made the cricket bold?
The cricket’s indulgence in merry-making in the gay season of summer left the cricket without any preservation of food and shelter for the rough time in coming winter. This starvation and famine made the cricket bold.
  1. Why did the cricket go to the ant?
Because of not storing anything necessary earlier in cupboard the cricket got bound to face a hard time of starvation and famine in winter season. In order to get relieved of this difficult situation the cricket went to the ant for shelter and grains to eat.
  1. What did the ant tell the cricket?
The cricket indulged in borrowing shelter and grains from the miser ant in order to survive in the rough time of winter. But the ant clarified to the cricket that they neither borrow from somebody nor lend to somebody.
  1. What did the ant ask the cricket?
Without having anything preserved in the cupboard the cricket willingly had come to the miser ant in the hope of borrowing some food and shelter. The ant then asked the cricket that what he was doing in summer times.
  1. What was the ant’s suggestion to the cricket?
In reply of the ant’s question that what the cricket was doing in summer times, the cricket told that he had sung in the beautiful and charming weather of summer. So, the ant suggested the cricket now to indulge in dancing in the rough season of winter.
  1. What is the lesson given by the poem to the mankind?
Through the poem the lesson what has been delivered to the mankind is that we should lead happy moments but not by ignoring our future. Careful planning is essential for everyone and it ensures a secure future.

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