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Tuesday 18 August 2020



Question 1 : What was Sophie’s ambition in life? How did she hope to achieve that?

Answer : Sophie’s ambition in life was either to come an actress, a fashion designer or a boutique owner. She had not made any plan about how she was going to achieve her ambition.

Question 2 : Why is Sophie attracted to Danny Casey?

Answer : Danny Casey is a young and successful football player from Ireland. He is also quite handsome, which adds to his popularity among his fans, especially young girls of Sophie’s age. Naturally, Sophie is attracted to him.

Question 3 : How are Jansie and Sophie different from each other?

Answer : Jansie and Sophie have contrasting characters and an altogether different approach towards life. Jansie is quite practical and her feet are grounded in reality, whereas Sophie is a daydreamer and lives in an imaginary world.

Question 4 : Why did Sophie long for her brother’s affection?

Answer : Sophie found in her brother, Geoff, a patient listener to all her fantasies. The other members of her family and even her friend Jansie did not believe her and made fun of her dreams and future plans. This made her quite fond of Geoff and long for his affection.

Question 5 : Did Geoff keep up his promise? How do you know?

Answer : Geoff didn’t keep his promise to Sophie. Sophie told Geoff about her meeting with Danny Casey at the Royce’s and requested him not to tell anyone about it. However, Geoff told this to Frank who in turn told his sister, Jansie.

Question 6 : Why was Sophie jealous of Geoff’s silence?

Answer : Geoff never spoke much and this made Sophie ponder over the areas of his life which he never talked about. His world remained a fascination for her. She felt that when he was not speaking, his mind was away at some unknown place, and so she felt jealous of his silence.

Question 7 : What is unrealistic about Sophie’s dreams of her future life?

Answer : Sophie was born in a poor family and was bound to work in a biscuit factory after passing out from school. However, she dreamt about having a lot of money, and owning a boutique. This was unrealistic about her dreams.

Question 8 : Why did Jansie discourage Sophie from having dreams?

Answer : Jansie discourgaed Sophie from living in a world of fantasy as her dreams were wild and impossible. She told her that they belonged to poor family and were earmarked to work in the biscuit factory after passing out from school.

Question 9 : How do we know that Sophie’s family lived in poor circumstances?

Answer : We know that Sohpie’s family lived in poor circumstances as her father worked as a labourer and they lived in a small, cramped and suffocated house.

Question 10 : Why did Sophie not want Jansie to know anything about her meeting with Danny Casey?

Answer : Sophie did not want Jansie to know anything about her meeting with Danny Casey because she knew that Jansie cannot keep a secret. Once she gets to know about something, she tells the whole neighbourhood about it.

Question 11 : How did Sophie’s father react when Geoff told him about her meeting with Danny Casey?

Answer : When Geoff told his father about Sophie’s chance encounter with Danny Casey, he expressed disdain and rubbished her story. He changed the topic and warned Sophie that such made up stories would land her into trouble some day.

Question 12 : What thoughts came to Sophie’s mind as she sat by the canal?

Answer : Sophie felt doubts stirring inside her, as she sat by the canal waiting for Danny Casey. When she say no sign of him, she remembered Geoff’s words that Casey would not come. She thought what she would tell her family.

Question 13  : Which was the only occasion when Sophie got to see Danny Casey in person?

Answer : The only occasion when Sophie got to see Danny Casey in person was when she went to watch the match with her family. Sitting amongst the spectators, Sophie saw Casey from a distance.

Question 14 : Why did Jansie discourage Sophie from entertaining thoughts about the sports star, Danny Casey?

Answer : Jansie was a realist, and not a daydreamer like Sophie. She discouraged Sophie from entertaining thoughts about the sports star, Danny Casey, because her dreams were wild and impossible.

Question 15 : Why did Sophie wriggle when Geoff told her father that she had met Danny Casey?

Answer : When Geoff told her father about Sophie’s meeting with Danny Casey, Sophie wriggled because she knew that her father wouldn’t believe it. Sophie was sure that he would be angry with her on hearing about the incident.

Question 16 : What did Sophie tell Geoff about her meeting with Danny Casey?

Answer : Sophie told Geoff that she met Danny Casey at Royce’s and said that she asked him for an autograph but neither she nor Danny had a pen or paper. She also said that Danny promised to meet her next week.

Question 17 : Does Geoff believe what Sophie says about her meeting with Danny Casey?

Answer : Geoff did not believe Sophie’s story about her meeting with Danny Casey . He dismissed the whole story as a most unlikely thing and told her that Casey would never keep his promise of meeting her again to give her his autograph.

Question 18 : What did Sophie imagine about her meeting with Danny Casey?

Answer : Sophie imagined that she had met Danny Casey at Royce’s and asked him for an autograph but could not get it as neither of them had paper or pen. Casey promised to meet her gain next week.

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